Day of Caring 2012 will be held on September 21st at 8am. Pat Burness of the Women’s Resource Center is coordinating the event. Command Master Chief, Jeffrey S. Hayes, CAPT Len R. Tumbarello & AETCS Joseph w. (Bill) Adams are coordinating with the Chiefs of each department to get volunteers. In the past the Coast Guard has helped the Women’s Resource Center with painting the shelters, putting in a garden, and moving 250 cases of toilet paper into storage to name a few.
There will be three key projects: Painting and yard work at the shelter & boarding house, clean and stretch carpet. Also, remove chain link fence between properties and possibly rebuild a fence on the frontage road on bond street. (Depends on amount of volunteers who come and cost)
“In the past the Coast Guard has helped with big projects and needless to say we would not have had the volunteer labor to maintain our homes without the help of the Coast Guard.” said Pat Burness.
If you are interested in volunteering, please call Pat at 503-325-4962.